Launched as an initiative of the DIRE-MED project, the SubNetwork on Mobility and Intercultural Dialogue gathers 51 universities from 15 countries and aims at promoting academic cooperation between members on the topics of mobility and exchange of people to promote and develop intercultural dialogue.
A series of webinars has been organized, as a weekly appointment, from the 2nd to the 23 th of April. Around 35/40 participants from the Universities of Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Portugal, Italy, Libya, Lebanon, Spain, among others, weekly attended these webinars.
The significant participation, the quality of the debates and exchanges experienced during these four webinars will encourage UNIMED and the members of this SubNetwork to reflect and implement other activities for promoting mobility and dialogue and going through the physical borders and restrictions we are currently facing.
Here below the agenda:
- Thursday 2 of April, 11.30 CET
- Presentation of the Subnetwork
- Short presentation of DIRE-MED project
- Introduction to the Erasmus + Virtual Exchange
- Thursday 9 of April, 11.30 CET
- How to develop an effective student recruitment strategy ? by Enrico Sartor
- Thursday 16 of April, 11.30 CET
- Presentation of UNIMED Petition and students ‘activities
- Erasmus Student Network presentation and strategy towards the MedRegion.
- Thursday 23 of April, 11.30 CET
- Presentation of the Intercultural trends Report by Anna Lindh Foundation
- Diversity awareness, interculturalism and Mediterranean Cities in the Mediterranean Village, by Pr. Ricard Zapata.